Friday 1 June 2012

Book Review: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

This time I picked up the book for reading The monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin S Sharma. You are reading this review, may be this is one of the effect of the book because it says you should share good things with others”. Writing a review for this book is just like adding a drop of water to the sea, but I think it is good to start off. So here it goes!

The monk who sold his ferrai is story of a lawyer Julian who believes in materialism and does not give any thought to anything apart from his law practice. One day Julian collapses with heart attack. He recognizes this omen as 'Awakening Call'. Now he wants to live more joyful and spiritual life thus he start his journey to the mystical land of India. After going through various places he finally reaches to the mountains of Himalaya and there he finds sages of Sivana, who knew all secrets of how to live a joyful life with simplicity, serenity and harmony. One of the sages Yogi Raman treats him as a student on a promise that after learning all the methods he will go to the west and pass on the message to others.

John, who is a friend of Julian and a co-worker, is narrating this story. Now Julian has returned from India and one can notice tremendous change in his personality and wisdom. He appears in front of John to pass on the wisdom and techniques he learned during his odyssey to India.

Now rest of the book revolves around seven methods to live a better, joyful and spiritual life. These seven sermons are based on different techniques such as heart of rose”, “secret of lake”, “art of self-leadership”,” do the things you fear”, “Yoga”, “mantras”, “power of discipline etc.   By practicing them, you can lead to state of self-mastery. Book also talks about the ultimate purpose of life.
John being a good learner asks questions quite frequently, which clears the doubts of reader as well and makes book self-explanatory. 

I felt great reading about the rich ancient Indian culture. Being an Indian I am sure you have heard of most of the techniques and have practiced some of them. But in the recent time we are getting inclined towards western culture and forgetting the ancient Indian culture. In one of the chapter’s book also says: Books do not teach you anything new, they simply help you to see what is already within yourself.”
So I would suggest you to read this book if you are seeking a personal change in your life, if you are looking for tools and tips which can make your life more joyful and delightful. You never know this book may act as an Awakening Call' for you.


  1. seems very interesting.
    Gonna read this book as soon as possible..
    thnx for the review..


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